Monday 18 March 2013

Knife Crime In The Uk

One of our films themes is knife crime. If we were to continue to make our film we would want to include the effects and consequences of knife crime as the victim of the crime is killed by being stabbed. We would raise awareness about knife crime by showing the impacts of it and hopefully it would take an impact on the audience.

Noel Clarke, a film director has directed a few films that have raised the awareness of knife crime and street violence. He has done this through films such as kidulthood, adulthood and shanked. These thrilling crime dramas are the same genre as our film and share the same target audience. Noel Clarke said 'The films are not glamourising street violence and kfife crime, they are showing the audience how it really is and raising awareness of knife crime'.

Knife crime is a huge issue in the UK, on average a knife is used to hurt or mug somebody every 10 minutes. 1 in 5 muggers now use a knife when mugging people and knife related incident has doubled since 2007.

Raising awareness of knife crime in our film would increase the impact on our audeince and would expand the traget audience, attracting older ages.

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